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Annual Technology Baseline 2017

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

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NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory). 2017. 2017 Annual Technology Baseline. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

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Nuclear power contributed about 20% of U.S. electricity generation over the past two decades (DOE "Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program").

Nuclear power plants generate electricity in the same way as any other steam-electric power plant. Water is heated, and steam from the boiling water turns turbines and generates electricity. The main difference is that heat from a self-sustaining chain reaction boils the water in a nuclear power plant, as opposed to burning fuels in fossil fuel plants (DOE Office of Nuclear Energy "History").

TVA's Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant
TVA's Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant
Photo from Tennessee Valley Authority and DOE ("Nuclear Reactor Technologies")
Photo by David Parsons, NREL 06705

Renewable energy technical potential, as defined by Lopez et al. (2012), represents the achievable energy generation of a particular technology given system performance, topographic limitations, and environmental and land-use constraints. Technical resource potential corresponds most closely to fossil reserves, as both can be characterized by the prospect of commercial feasibility and depend strongly on available technology at the time of the resource assessment. Uranium reserves in the United States are assessed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS, "Uranium Resources and Environmental Investigations").

CAPital EXpenditures (CAPEX): Historical Trends, Current Estimates, and Future Projections

Because nuclear plants are well-known and perform close to their optimal performance, EIA expects capital expenditures (CAPEX) will incrementally improve over time and slightly more quickly than inflation.

chart: Current estimates and future projections calculated from EIA (2017), modified as described in the CAPEX section.
Current estimates and future projections calculated from EIA (2017), modified as described in the CAPEX section.

Comparison with Other Sources

chart: Coal plant overnight capital cost comparison by data source.
ATB cost numbers are for a brownfield nuclear facility.
Data sources include the ATB, B&V (2012), Entergy (2015), IEA (2015), and Lazard (2016).
All sources have been normalized to the same dollar year. Costs vary due to differences in system design, methodology, and plant cost definitions.

CAPEX Definition

Capital expenditures (CAPEX) are expenditures required to achieve commercial operation in a given year.

Overnight capital costs are modified from EIA (2017). Capital costs include overnight capital cost plus defined transmission cost, and it removes a material price index.

Overnight Capital Cost ($/kW) Construction Financing Factor (ConFinFactor) CAPEX ($/kW)
Nuclear: Advanced nuclear power generation $5,515 1.084 $5,979

CAPEX can be determined for a plant in a specific geographic location as follows:

CAPEX = ConFinFactor*(OCC*CapRegMult+GCC).
(See the Financial Definitions tab in the ATB data spreadsheet.)

Regional cost variations and geographically specific grid connection costs are not included in the ATB (CapRegMult = 1; GCC = 0). In the ATB, the input value is overnight capital cost (OCC) and details to calculate interest during construction (ConFinFactor).

In the ATB, CAPEX represents each type of nuclear plant with a unique value. Regional cost effects associated with labor rates, material costs, and other regional effects as defined by EIA (2016a) expand the range of CAPEX (Plant*Region). Unique land-based spur line costs based on distance and transmission line costs are not estimated. The following figure illustrates the ATB representative plant relative to the range of CAPEX including regional costs across the contiguous United States. The ATB representative plants are associated with a regional multiplier of 1.0.

chart: CAPEX range for ATB representative plant and regional costs across U.S. for nuclear plants.

Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Costs

Operations and maintenance (O&M) costs represent the annual expenditures required to operate and maintain a plant over its technical lifetime (the distinction between economic life and technical life is described here), including:

  • Insurance, taxes, land lease payments, and other fixed costs
  • Present value and annualized large component replacement costs over technical life
  • Scheduled and unscheduled maintenance of power plants, transformers, and other components over the technical lifetime of the plant.

Market data for comparison are limited and generally inconsistent in the range of costs covered and the length of the historical record.

Nuclear operating crews running simulations with the Human System Simulator Laboratory research team at Idaho National Laboratory
Nuclear operating crews running simulations with the Human System Simulator Laboratory research team at Idaho National Laboratory
Photo taken November 7, 2012
chart: Nuclear plant O&M projections.

Capacity Factor: Expected Annual Average Energy Production Over Lifetime

The capacity factor represents the assumed annual energy production divided by the total possible annual energy production, assuming the plant operates at rated capacity for every hour of the year. For nuclear plants, the capacity factor is typically the same as (or very close to) their availability factor.

The capacity factor of nuclear units is generally very high (>85%) as they are typically always online except when undergoing maintenance or refueling (NEI "US Nuclear Capacity Factors").

In the United States, nuclear power plants are baseload plants with steady capacity factors. They need to change out their uranium fuel rods about every 24 months. After 18-36 months, the used fuel is removed from the reactor (World Nuclear Association "The Nuclear Fuel Cycle"). The average fueling outage duration in 2013 was 41 days; from 1990 to 1997, the refueling days ranged from 66 to 106, so improvements have helped capacity factors (NEI, "US Nuclear Refueling Outage Days"). See also NEI ("US Nuclear Power Plants: General U.S. Nuclear Info").

chart: Coal net capacity factor.
Current estimates and future projections calculated from EIA (2017) and modified.

Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) Projections

Levelized cost of energy (LCOE) is a simple metric that combines the primary technology cost and performance parameters, CAPEX, O&M, and capacity factor. It is included in the ATB for illustrative purposes. The focus of the ATB is to define the primary cost and performance parameters for use in electric sector modeling or other analysis where more sophisticated comparisons among technologies are made. LCOE captures the energy component of electric system planning and operation, but the electric system also requires capacity and flexibility services to operate reliably. Electricity generation technologies have different capabilities to provide such services. For example, wind and PV are primarily energy service providers, while the other electricity generation technologies provide capacity and flexibility services in addition to energy. These capacity and flexibility services are difficult to value and depend strongly on the system in which a new generation plant is introduced. These services are represented in electric sector models such as the ReEDS model and corresponding analysis results such as the Standard Scenarios.

The following three figures illustrate the combined impact of CAPEX, O&M, and capacity factor projections across the range of resources present in the contiguous United States. The Current Market Conditions LCOE demonstrates the range of LCOE based on macroeconomic conditions similar to the present. The Historical Market Conditions LCOE presents the range of LCOE based on macroeconomic conditions consistent with prior ATB editions and Standard Scenarios model results. The Normalized LCOE (all LCOE estimates are normalized with the lowest Base Year LCOE value) emphasizes the relative effect of fuel price and heat rate independent of project finance assumptions.

Current Market Conditions
Historical Market Conditions

The LCOE of nuclear power plants is directly impacted by the cost of uranium, variations in the heat rate, and O&M costs, but the biggest factor is the capital cost (including financing costs) of the plant. The LCOE can also be impacted by the amount of downtime from refueling or maintenance. For a given year, the LCOE assumes that the fuel prices from that year continue throughout the lifetime of the plant.

Fuel prices are based on the EIA's Annual Energy Outlook 2017 (EIA 2017).

To estimate LCOE, assumptions about the cost of capital to finance electricity generation projects are required. For comparison in the ATB, two project finance structures are represented.

  • Current Market Conditions: The values of the production tax credit (PTC) and investment tax credit (ITC) are ramping down by 2020, at which time wind and solar projects may be financed with debt fractions similar to other technologies. This scenario reflects debt interest (4.4% nominal, 1.9% real) and return on equity rates (9.5% nominal, 6.8% real) to represent 2017 market conditions (AEO 2017) and a debt fraction of 60% for all electricity generation technologies. An economic life, or period over which the initial capital investment is recovered, of 20 years is assumed for all technologies. These assumptions are one of the project finance options in the ATB spreadsheet.
  • Long-Term Historical Market Conditions: Historically, debt interest and return on equity were represented with higher values. This scenario reflects debt interest (8% nominal, 5.4% real) and return on equity rates (13% nominal, 10.2% real) implemented in the ReEDS model and reflected in prior versions of the ATB and Standard Scenarios model results. A debt fraction of 60% for all electricity generation technologies is assumed. An economic life, or period over which the initial capital investment is recovered, of 20 years is assumed for all technologies. These assumptions are one of the project finance options in the ATB spreadsheet.

These parameters are held constant for estimates representing the Base Year through 2050. No incentives such as the PTC or ITC are included. The equations and variables used to estimate LCOE are defined on the equations and variables page. For illustration of the impact of changing financial structures such as WACC and economic life, see Project Finance Impact on LCOE. For LCOE estimates for High, Mid, and Low scenarios for all technologies, see 2017 ATB Cost and Performance Summary.


B&V (Black & Veatch). 2012. Cost and Performance Data for Power Generation Technologies. Black & Veatch Corporation. February 2012.

EIA (U.S. Energy Information Administration). 2016a. Capital Cost Estimates for Utility Scale Electricity Generating Plants. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy. November 2016.

EIA (U.S. Energy Information Administration). 2017. Annual Energy Outlook 2017 with Projections to 2050. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy. January 5, 2017.

Entergy. 2015. Entergy Arkansas, Inc.: 2015 Integrated Resource Plan. July 15, 2015.

IEA (International Energy Agency). 2015a. Projected Costs of Generating Electricity: 2015 Edition. Paris: International Energy Agency.

Lazard. 2016. Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis-Version 10.0. December 2016. New York: Lazard.

Lopez, Anthony, Billy Roberts, Donna Heimiller, Nate Blair, and Gian Porro. 2012. U.S. Renewable Energy Technical Potentials: A GIS-Based Analysis. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-6A20-51946.